The set of the sails ...

The set of the sails ...

Presse (GB)

The Huffington Post

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The Daily Express

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The Daily Mail

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The Observer

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The Independent

The Independent is regarded as leaning to the left politically, but tends to take a classical liberal, pro-market, stance on economic issues. It has not affiliated itself with any political party and features a range of views given on its editorial and comment pages.

The paper originally described itself as "free from party political bias, free from proprietorial influence"—a banner it carried on the front page of its daily edition. This banner was dropped in September 2011.


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The Sunday Times

Though traditionally a moderate newspaper and sometimes a supporter of the Conservatives, it supported the Labour Party in the 2001 and 2005 general elections.


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The Guardian

Historically well to the left, the Guardian currently identifies with social liberalism. In the last United Kingdom elections, the paper supported the Liberal Democrats, who went on to form a coalition government with the Conservatives.


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The Telegraph

The Telegraph is a daily morning "broadsheet" (the "good" press, as opposed to "tabloids") conservative-leaning newspaper distributed throughout the United Kingdom and internationally.


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The Sun

Et le "gérard" du pire journal en langue anglaise va à... The Sun, bien sûr !
Francophobe, xénophobe, racoleur, le top du top du populisme le plus vulgaire.
Ce "canard" m'exaspère... Je vous laisse l'explorer.


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